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Create Characteristic Culture of Greatoo and Release the Vitality of Employees


Createtime: 2019-04-30

In order to continue to build a distinctive corporate culture, let the Greatoo culture promote the effectiveness of business, so that corporate activities release the vitality of employees, in February, the company's president's office issued the "Notice on Organizing the 2019 Corporate Culture Activities", requiring all business departments and departments to seriously carry out corporate culture activities in 2019 as planned, and asked all relevant units to organize various skill competitions. It is designed to encourage employees to practice practical skills, to enable post-technical experts to stand out, to promote the overall skill level of employees. In addition, it also organizes speeches or knowledge contests on business systems, job standards, etc., aiming to deepen employees' understanding of the above content, exercise and improve their comprehensive expression skills.

For this, each business unit and departments have carefully organized and formulated plans. In April, a total of nine departments conducted knowledge contests, speech contests or skill competitions, effectively make the notices come true, and create an atmosphere of active learning and competition among the company.

Post Standard Speech and Deepening Responsibility Consciousness: On April 15th, the Logistics and Distribution Department launched the "Standard and Post Responsibility Speech Contest" in the conference room on the first floor of the Zhanqian Road Plant. All staff members attended the speech and selected the top three by secret ballot. Deputy Director Wu Jie attended and participated in the voting. Huang Jiawei, the supervisor of the president's office, conducted on-site supervision.


Skills Competition to Create Craftsmanship: In order to further strengthen the construction of high-end technical talents and promote the improvement of the overall quality of the company's workforce, the Wheel Model Technology Department launched the "CAD Software Skills Competition" on April 20th. In this competition, the post training is the premise, the assessment of operational skills is the focus, and the improvement of post skills is the aim. The supervisor of the president's office, Huang Jiawei, conducts on-site supervision.


Strengthening the Administrative System and Management: On April 26, the Administrative Office launched the "Business System Knowledge Competition" in the conference room of the office building of Zhanqian Road, and the book was compiled with the "Company Rules and Regulations - Administrative Office Work Uniform", which is used to examine the extent of administrative staff mastering administrative related systems, and was supervised by Zhan Yirong, deputy director of the Office of Outreach.



Follow Job Standards and Put Them into Action: Improve employee productivity by improving employee familiarity with job standards. On April 19th and April 23rd, the Sales Center and Engineering Department respectively carried out the "Standard Knowledge Competition" in their departmental offices, and examined the degree of cognition of the staff of the department on the post standard in the form of a written test. Both knowledge competitions were supervised by Zhan Yirong, deputy director of the Outreach Office.


"Knowledge and Action Should Go Hand in Hand: In response to the company's "Knowledge and Action Should Go Hand in Hand" knowledge (speech) competition special event, the Outreach Office held a corporate culture knowledge contest on the second floor of conference room in Longgang Road factory.


Learning Position Standards and Improve Job Performance: According to the spirit of the instructions of the president's office, the Finance Department completed the revision of the post standard in the first quarter, and set up a wave of learning new job standards within the departmental scope, deepening the new revision of the staff of understanding job standards. In order to further improve the performance and execution of all employees, the Finance Department held a post-standard learning achievement competition on the fourth floor of the training center on the afternoon of April 30. The deputy director of the Outreach Office, Zhan Yirong, conducted on-site supervision.

Strive to Become a Knowledge-Based Employee: On April 28th, the Information Center held a competition for corporate culture special events. The purpose was to promote the organic integration of employees' knowledge and skills through this competition, and to create a departmental atmosphere of "learning". The competition was supervised by Zhan Yirong, deputy director of the Outreach Office, using paperless examinations to implement the paperless office concept.